Turbo Quest 3
This is the sequel to Turbo Quest 2 by phoenicia (https://phoenicia.itch.io/turbo-quest-2). Basically just a stupid game I made in a few hours for a Twitch stream to try out the new RPG Maker MZ. It kinda sucks but maybe you'll like it? I dunno!
Buk Buk got turned into a pig because they didn't put a chicken in the RPG Maker MZ default assets. Help him re-chicalate himself!
Should take 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
TIP: Press F3 after full-screening it to make it stretch to fit the screen.
TIP: Talk to the fairy in the first town to enable TURBO SPEED!
- Arrow keys or numpad 2468 to move
- Z, enter, or space to accept
- X, escape, or numpad 0 to cancel or open the menu
- Shift to run
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